18 January 2007

I know...... the media from time to time do some pretty weird things.... but what the FUCK!! is the fascination with Bindi Irwin? Why would channel Ten actually spend money so that they could get the rights to broadcast a show normally seen on Channel 9, just so we can see this bug eyed freak talk to dirty old Dave Letterman in the hereditary manic fashion that her dad was famous for. I mean COME ON!! people... lets give this girl a bit of space to grieve.... Even without all the attention, which lets face it, any little kid would love, this poor girl is probably going to have issues later on in her life anyway. Every day we see newspaper reports which frown upon actions that effect the lives of kids... is this not doing the exact same thing......!!!!

1 comment:

Pens said...

Hey Brown Dog, I haven't seen any new posts from you in a while. What, nothing happened in the world that you want to comment on?