07 June 2007

Brown Dog at the Bar

G'day there punters,

How are you all? ME? you ask.... I'm OK. The pommes really do whinge a bit though.

Due to the fact that I'm travelling to Europe in 3 weeks, my real job hunting has been put on hold until I get back. (although I do have an interview tomorrow for a job that will start when I get back.) In the mean time I have managed to convince the Publican up the road to give me some shifts which is great. It's actually quite a good way to get used to London culture. Here are a few quirky things about the Londoners and Europeans that I've learnt so far.

1. A lot of people drink shandy's. Here I was thinking that these are only drunk by your great aunty or your nana, but over here even some of the hardest looking blokes (with tattoo's and all) drink shandy's. Tell you what it's hard to keep a straight face when I'm serving them. Soft as!!

2. The Europeans (mainly the French) that I serve generally leave there manners somewhere other the bar.

3. No one get really out of hand like in Aus, as the pub generally shuts at 11:30 at the latest.

So there you have it. A fairly short post this time around.

Take Care. Woof

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect. You'd have plenty of experience pulling handles.